You have probably noticed the new blog design, it's not quite complete. After you read further, you'll see why it's still a work in progress.
You might have also noticed I've been a little absent, and maybe absent-minded as well lately. I haven't posted with my usual regularity or conviction at times. I like to think that's only recently. Well I have what I think is a valid excuse.
Each year our nest is a little emptier. And you know that expression, "rattling around a big old house"? Well it's true. It's time to live somewhat simpler.
The minute I returned from Savannah, I went into high gear getting our home ready to sell. Scrubbing, de-cluttering, fluffing, clearing, hauling, polishing and prepping. It was all to get the house camera-ready for its closeup and the scrutiny of would-be buyers.
And then a little miracle occurred. We sold it before we listed it.
That meant we have had to go quickly, from sold to moving out in 30 days, into another kind of high gear, finding a temporary place (and garden) to live while we start the next chapter of our life. More about that in future postings.
This means I'll be saying good bye to my garden. Though that's sad, I'm already looking forward to having a new garden that will be a bit smaller, flatter and more neighborhood-y. Yes, I already know where it will be, I just have to start imagining it.
I will miss my critters possibly more than my plants. I can't even begin to list them all; turkeys, eagles, turtles, otters, deer, owls, crows, coyotes, etc . However I have written about many of them in my Star Tribune "Your Voices" blog and what they have taught me about nature and life.
But I find great consolation in the fact that the youngest daughter of the new owners is a budding bird watcher who can't wait to come enjoy all my feathered friends. It has made the transition so much easier in my mind.
So let's take one last look around the garden through these past five years...
...And say goodbye.