This year October 15 is a busy day...Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, Blog Action Day 2010...and National Grouch Day.
However there's nothing to be grouchy about in the garden. I can describe it with lots of other g-words like great, glorious, gorgeous, and gratifying. Can you think of any more?
So here we go..
"Greenish Blue" Butterfly visiting Helenium "Mardi Gras" The Garden Buzz
These little guys surprised me as there have been no other butterflies for at least a week. That's the common name for this tiny butterfly, Plebejus saepilous. Note that Mardi Gras is still partying on.
Salvia guaranitica "Black and Blue" The Garden Buzz
I hope that B & B doesn't let fame go to its pretty head after recently starring in my very first garden video!
Salvia elegans "Honeydew Melon Sage" The Garden Buzz
This shorter version of pineapple sage blooms earlier, way earlier, than the original. The flavor and scent are not as strong, but it's better than nothing for us 'up north' gardeners.
Chalone lyonii "Hot Lips" The Garden Buzz
Pink Turtlehead is looking forward to her screen debut in my next "Ya Gotta Love This Plant" video series. She's just glowing with excitement.
Helianthus "Lemon Queen" The Garden Buzz
This beautiful cultivar of native sunflower is quite poplar with bees right now. Rumor has it she might be up for a featured role as well. Stay tuned.
Single bloom on volunteer nasturtium The Garden Buzz
Lady beetle inside Cobaea scandens The Garden Buzz
Sometimes known as Cathedral Bells, also Cup and Saucer, this vine started blooming late, the partial shady site to blame. But the few blooms have been delightful, as well as the purple tendrils.
Rhododendron "Purple Gem" The Garden Buzz
I'm no expert on rhodies, but I don't think it should be budding out in October. Hmmm.
Thanks to Carol of May Dreams Garden as always for hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!